Tiger Lily

Always on the prowl

Year of Completion :


Devising and designing an identity system for a cafe that was imagined to cater to one’s varied business and pleasure needs. To strike a balance with branding between the art deco and contemporary design features predominantly composed into the space.


The team at Studio 318 drew up a mood board that complimented the cafe's masculine and feminine energies and found a name that did the same — Tiger Lily. The brand story was further developed around a sociable tiger in a serene environment. This playfulness was maintained throughout the brand extensions — illustrations and communication alike.

The brand story was developed around a sociable tiger in a serene environment, one that is — Always on the Prowl. We used botanical renditions of floral elements and agile postures of the tiger in the spatial branding that became the custom wallpaper that instantly draws the viewer in.

Much of this illustration became the groundwork for abstract explorations that were used in the table system, menu design, and takeaway packaging for the cafe. It was a conscious decision to elevate the design above the ordinarily seen food & beverage-related associations. Tiger Lily was more than just a cafe.


Rachana Kari

Anisha B. Reddy

Sakshi Kedia


Anish Penti - Illustrator


Brand Identity

Spatial Design
